Zonal Meet of Zone 1 "URJA" was successfully organised by Rotaract Club of DSMS College Durgapur on 24th of September 2023 (Sunday) . Various clubs of the district namely Asansol,Burdwan,Durgapur Central,Ukhra actively participated in this Zonal Meet and made it a great success .This successful Zonal Meet was possible only due to the commendable efforts and dedication of Rtr Deepshika and her team . Being a new institute based club charted in 2019 and organising such a wonderful meet in short notice was highly appreciable.DRR Parna Deb Roy,District Secretary Avishek Sharma , ZRR Rtr Sanjog Bharara were present in the event . OC of Durgapur Traffic Police Sri Binay Layak Sir graced the occasion as the Chief Guest.
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